Our Eye Care Experience

Serving you with advanced diagnostics, treatments, and solutions.

We Put You First

At Granite Pointe Eye Care, we incorporate the latest technology into all of our processes because it helps us make your care more comfortable, thorough, and precise. During your visit, we’ll examine your eyes from every angle, with efficient tools that allow us the time to get to know you and your eyes on a personal level.

With a complete picture of your eyes and lifestyle, we can adapt our services to your needs for the exceptional vision and pinnacle of eye care you deserve!

Two Seniors smiling
Doctor examine woman

The Earliest Detection

Our doctors prioritize early detection in our comprehensive eye exams by using leading-edge technology to spot issues long before they can damage your sight. By looking at the critical structures of your eye and taking detailed images, our doctors can identify diseases early, explain them to you, and track them between visits. We’re proud to utilize optomap ultra-widefield retinal imaging, optical coherence tomography (OCT), electroretinography (ERG), and much more.

Remarkable Care

If we identify any eye diseases during your exam that require specialized care, we’ll work with you to develop the best treatment and well-rounded management plans possible. No matter your condition, our doctors will leverage our array of specialized tech, prescriptions, specialty eyewear, and other solutions to craft a comprehensive care plan that keeps your sight clear and healthy for years to come.

Woman seeing her eye results test

Cutting-Edge Solutions

To make the diagnosis, treatment, and management of eye conditions convenient for you, we’ve incorporated the use of high-tech equipment in our model of care. Whether we’re testing you for a serious, vision-threatening condition like cataracts or providing in-office therapy for your dry eye, we have everything you need to find relief and peace of mind.

Dry Eye

Dry Eye

We’ll examine your eyes in-depth and explore your symptoms and eye health history to determine the root cause of your specific dry eye case. From there, we’ll use a combination of in-office treatments, such as LipiFlow® or BlephEx®, and at-home solutions, like eye drops and supplements, to improve your tear quality and heal the glands and skin around your eyes.

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Macular Degeneration

Macular Degeneration

Using optomap, OCT, and ERG, we can get a complete image of your retina and macula — the parts of your eye that are affected by macular degeneration. With the information provided by our imaging, we can diagnose any threats to your central vision early to help you stay on top of the condition and protect your sight.

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If you’re experiencing symptoms like fuzzy or blurry vision, we can use optomap and other technology during our exams to see if cataracts, or the clouding of your eyes’ natural lenses, are the root cause. From there, we’ll use eyewear to help you adapt to changes in your sight and manage your symptoms until you’re ready for surgery.

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Computer Vision Syndrome

Computer Vision Syndrome

If you’re experiencing eye strain after using digital screens for extended periods of time, we’ll check your eyes to see if computer vision syndrome is to blame. If it is, we’ll set you up with blue light-blocking eyewear and other eye strain-reducing solutions, which will make your eyes more comfortable while working or enjoying your favorite screen-time activities.

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Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic Retinopathy

To test for diabetic retinopathy — an eye disease caused by high blood sugar and unhealthy blood vessels that can lead to vision loss — we utilize ERG, OCT, and optomap to get a clear view of your inner eye. We’ll then work with you to manage your diabetes and symptoms to keep your retina in great health.

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Glaucoma is a hard-to-catch increase in intraocular pressure (IOP), which damages the optic nerve. With optomap and OCT, we can spot this “silent thief of sight” early in its progression, even before symptoms present themselves. That way, we can begin a well-rounded plan to keep your IOP at safe levels and protect your sight in the long run.

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Exceptional eyewear in Granite Pointe

Exceptional Eyewear

With our quality eyeglasses, sunglasses, and contacts, we’re your one-stop-shop for all your eyewear needs, from specialty lenses to impeccable style. We’ll take detailed measurements of your face and eyes, so your eyewear suits you perfectly and provides superior vision correction. And for patients with “hard-to-fit” eyes, we offer an outstanding selection of specialty lenses to meet all your unique eye health and vision requirements!